Dr. Robert C. Knapp Medical Student Award Application
H.O.W. is offering an interesting and unique award for students who would like to learn about a career in gynecologic oncology. The student will work with a board certified or eligible gynecologic oncologist during their elective time.
The following is required for the $3,000 medical student award:
- The elective must be for a minimum of four weeks at any year.
- The gynecologic oncologist who serves as preceptor may be a member of the facility or if not, acceptable to the school and meets all legal and academic requirements of the school.
- The CV of both the student and preceptor must be submitted at the time of application.
- The student and preceptor will submit to H.O.W. an outline of the student's program. This could describe a week’s activity working with the preceptor. The program should be broad enough to allow the student to develop an understanding of the requirements for a physician practicing women’s cancer. The student should be with the preceptor during outpatient clinic visits, surgery and be involved with the residents during the preceptor’s sessions with them. The preceptor should discuss with the student current research in gynecologic oncology and needs for future research in the field.
- At the completion of the rotation the student will submit to H.O.W. a one page report on his or her experience.
- If any work is published or presented, H.O.W. must receive appropriate acknowledgement.
Applications for 2025-2026 will be accepted starting February 1, 2025!
Deadline: April 1, 2025
Award Notification by: April 18, 2025
Award Period: July 1, 2025 - June 30, 2026
Please submit the outline of the program and the CV of the student and preceptor electronically to Jennifer McGrath at
Jennifer@howflorida.org and Dr. Carolyn Runowicz at
A hard copy may also be mailed but not necessary to: H.O.W. Hearing the Ovarian Cancer Whisper, PO BOX 3504, Jupiter, FL 33469.
The award will be given during the academic year of July 1, 2025 through June 30, 2026.
If you have any questions regarding the application process, etc. please email Carolyn Runowicz, M.D. at
Crunowic@fiu.edu. General questions may be directed to: Jennifer McGrath, H.O.W.’s director at
Jennifer@howflorida.org or (561) 262-6343.