Each year approximately 22,000 women are diagnosed with ovarian cancer and over half will die of the disease. The cancer has already spread prior to detection. One in 70 women in the United States will develop ovarian cancer. This insidious disease is called the “Whisper Killer” because the symptoms are so subtle that the disease usually goes undetected until it is often too late for successful treatment.
Jacquelin T. Liggett - H.O.W. Founder and my dear friend - was diagnosed with advanced ovarian cancer in August 2000 and died in August 2007. Jacquie was an optimist, a spiritual person and a real fighter. Through Jacquie’s efforts, H.O.W. was established in 2002 as a supporting organization of Palm Health Foundation. Jacquie was determined to turn her story into a crusade to better educate women about ovarian cancer, the symptoms and the tools available for diagnosis and treatment. Because of Jacquie, women today are becoming more informed about this disease and are listening for the whisper.
On behalf of our Board, thank you for your interest in H.O.W. and for taking the time to learn more about ovarian cancer. We wish you good health.
Betsy K. Matthews
Board Chair 2002-2010